

Februar 2021
FlötenequipmentTo top off the craziness, (remember, we're in Corona times, so you're kindly forgiven for a lot of things), more L.I.P.s were made. (Lockdown insanity preventions). I stole the term from Emily Beynon, principal flute of the Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra, Amsterdam. I've ordered an adjustable stand that's great for attaching a phone, camera, tablet or similar. A ring light for illumination and an interface with a DAW. A hip connection cable, a microphone stand plus an external small condenser microphone with which you can supposedly record flute music better.


Another measure to avoid going completely crazy in Lockdown was to attend a webinar. The topic was home recording. The thing is, apart from my still very imperfect knowledge of the flute, the quality of recording with a mobile phone is not a great pleasure. I thought, let's see what a professional has to say. I listened to the speaker in front of the computer with a cup of tea in my hand. My husband, too, so obliquely from the side. He's a software developer in real life, with a keen interest in technology. Yes. And now I own all these fancy gadgets, cables and the microphone. He too is trying not to go crazy in these times. And is now training to become a sound engineer with the help of some You-Tube videos.

With that equipment, I can record my musical experiments and upload them to Instagram on my flute account, for example. Mr. Sound Engineer will mix, balance and pimp them beforehand.

I have one, two, three, four Instagram accounts where I occasionally post something from my life.
The first thing that must be clear is that this platform is a gigantic time robber. And there is a completely insane mixture of content in it that you can hardly imagine.
I find it quite crazy. But at the same time I'm impressed how much phantasy, effort and time some people invest to share their ideas and interest with others. Sometimes you do have some strange passions, but you are guaranteed to find a like-minded person on this platform. You fraternise with them, exchange ideas, get feedback or encouragement. Voila, you are and feel no longer alone.

I have read from some that this medium was a kind of escape for many Instagrammers during the lockdown to step "out". To get in contact with the outside world, with abroad.
In many countries there had been such harsh curfews that we luckily didn't have to experience in Germany. For them it was like a welcome escape from their own four walls.

Music Professors and Teachers went wild there, trying to keep contact to their students and passing on tips. Students recorded themselves and bravely sent the videos into the net. So did I.
Got this tip submitted by a professional flutist from Cleveland or Ohio. So I can see some possible progress if I continue. And therfore use I.G. as a sort of diary.

Honestly. No one on this earth thought 2020 would be such a strange year.

And I would never have dreamed of taking flute lessons now either. It's always amazing what can happen in life. If you just stay open and courious about it.